Teenager airlifted by LifeFlight after car crash

The LifeFlight SGAS aeromedical crew airlifted a teenager to hospital yesterday after a motor vehicle crash in the Lockyer Valley.

It’s believed he was driving a utility on a country road before colliding with a harvester.

The helicopter was tasked at 5pm and the crew were able to land on the road near the incident.

The patient was extricated from the vehicle by Queensland Fire Department (QFD) rescue and treated by Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) paramedics and the LifeFlight critical care doctor.

He was airlifted to Princess Alexandra Hospital with abdominal injuries and a fractured leg.

Tasked by Queensland Ambulance Service, the LifeFlight SGAS helicopter and crew performed this mission as part of the SGAS partners’ commitment to providing community aeromedical coverage.

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