Medical simulator

Step into a helicopter medical environment

Experience real-world challenges with our flagship simulator “MediSim”. Designed to replicate the challenges of real-world aeromedical environments, our MediSim empowers doctors and medical personnel to hone their skills in a lifelike helicopter setting.

Generously funded by a $187,000 donation from John and David Mactaggart of JL Mactaggart Holdings Pty Ltd, our MediSim sets the standard for medical training in Australia.

Inside LifeFlight's MediSim

Our MediSim is fully-equipped with cutting-edge features designed to replicate real-world operational conditions. This includes intercom and communication systems, electrical setups, fully functional medical oxygen, aircraft lighting, Laerdal SimMan 3G and state-of-the-art monitors — all crucial elements that simulate the challenges and conditions medical professionals face in aeromedical environments.

Enquire about the Medical Simulator

MediSim Enquiry